The Communication on European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (Document COM(2010) 715, 8 December 2010) features three exemplary targets for EUSDR Pillar 1 (Connecting the Danube Region) which are of relevance for EUSDR Priority Area 1b: To improve mobility and multimodality-road, rail and air links.


The Priority Area 1b Steering Group amended these three exemplary targets in the first half of 2016 so that the final wordings of targets for EUSDR Priority Area 1b are as follows:


I. Support efficient freight railway services and improved travel times for competitive railway passenger connections between major cities in the Danube Region by 2030.
II. Support fully functional multi-modal TEN-T Core Network Corridors by 2030.
III. Support the development of efficient multimodal terminals at sea, river and dry ports in the Danube Region and ensure their connectivity and access through the integration of all modes of transport and efficient logistics services by 2030.
IV. Support improvement of the regional air connectivity and the implementation of the Single European Sky initiative.
V. Facilitate the improvement of secondary and tertiary roads in the Danube Region.
VI. Support safe and sustainable transport and mobility in the Danube Region.


Above targets would be reflected by below drafted subject matters to be covered by revised and new actions:


Revised targets (14.03.16) Proposed subject matters to be covered by revised & new actions (Still to be defined)! 
(d) (e)
1. Support efficient freight railway services and improved travel times for competitive railway passenger connections between major cities in the Danube Region (DR) by 2030. 1. Promote Interoperability;
2. Support Removal of cross-border administrative, operational  and technical barriers;
3. Support Deployment of traffic management systems (ERTMS);
2.  Support fully functional multi-modal TEN-T Core Network Corridors by 2030. 1. Identify physical, bottlenecks and missing links in DR;
2. Coordinate development of infrastructure;
3. Identify possible new corridors linking the non EU member states’ transport systems to the TEN-T core network;
4. Support the coordinated Implementation of the relevant Rail Freight Corridors in the DR;
3. Support the development of efficient multimodal terminals at sea, river and dry ports in the Danube Region and ensure their connectivity and access through the integration of all modes of transport and efficient logistics services by 2030. 1. Support and Coordinate development of intermodal terminals;
2. Identify need for possible new terminals;
3. Support the efficient logistics services in the Danube region;
4. Support improvement of the regional air connectivity and the implementation of the Single European Sky initiative. 1. Support better regional air connectivity.
2. Facilitate the creation of FAB(s) and the cooperation between the existing FABs in the DR.
5. Facilitate the improvement of secondary and tertiary roads in the DR. 1. Support development and maintenance of secondary road network in the DR and in particular links to the TEN-T network.
6. Support safe and sustainable transport and mobility in the Danube Region. 1. Support ITS deployment by 2030;
2. Support research and innovation in the field of transport;
3. Support Enhanced road  safety;
4. Support Cycling and walking;