12th Steering Group Meeting

Day 1: 2 June 2016 – 12th SG Meeting, Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana


The 12th Steering Group Meeting of the EUSDR Priority area 1b (To improve mobility and multimodality: rail, road and air transport) was held on Thursday, 2 June 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


The participants from nine member countries and the observers and invited guests were greeted by chairmans Mr. Franc Žepič, PAC 1b from Slovenia and by Mr. Miodrag Poledica, PAC 1b from Serbia.


After welcome speeches, introductory remarks and administrative aspects of the meeting, the main focus points of the meeting were: EUSDR implementation: State of play 2016 and perspectives, EUSDR PA1b progress monitoring and reporting, followed by presentations of EUSDR Strategic projects.


The second part of the meeting included the following topics: Financial support to EUSDR: EU Programmes and other initiatives and the Update on project initiatives and ongoing projects.


The 12th SG Meeting was concluded by the presentation of the main planned events for the second part of 2016.



List of presentations:



Day 2: 3 June 2016 – Technical day