Thursday, 25 March 2021; 13.00 – 16.15 (CET)

Venue: Online (platform ZOOM)

Participants: SG members, observers and experts

Agenda in short:

  1. Welcome and introductory topics (PACs: Mirjana Jovanović & Franc Žepič)
  2. Approval of the agenda of the 23rd SG meeting and the minutes of the 22nd SG meeting
  3. The EU regional policy: How are MRS influencing next programming period? (Johan Magnusson, DG REGIO, European Commission)
  1. The EU transport policy: How can EUSDR move towards more integrated transport? ( Alain Baron, DG MOVE, European Commission)
  1. The EU neighbourhood policy: Work programme 2021 related to connectivity and transport (Irina Cruceru, DG NEAR, European Commission)
  1. The WB transport policy: Improving Rail Systems in the Western Balkans (Dejan Lasica, TCT Permanent Secretariat, Belgrade)
  2. Update on DSP activities (Robert Lichtner and Katharina Lenz, DSP (Danube Strategy Point), Vienna)
  3. Transport projects & PA1b activities – Ongoing transnational projects:
  4. a) DTP project “OJP4Danube” (Katharina Leeb and Daniela Gamper, Austriatech, Vienna)
  1. b) CE project “SaveGREEN” (Hildegard Meyer, WWF, Vienna)
  1. Updating the long list of PA1b projects & Project Fiches (Presentations and discussion by SG members)
  2. PA1b position on the 2021 Revision of TEN-T (PACs and discussion by all)
  3. PA Roadmaps: How important are roadmaps for our day-to-day activities?
  4. AOB:
  • 2021 Year of the Rail (information)
  • Study for EP: “Transport Infrastructure in low-density and depopulating areas” (information)
  • Study for EP: “Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19” (information)
  • Planning 24th SG meeting (second half of June and September)